Russia - Moscow
Team Coordinator
Georgy Serebryakov
Research Center
Name - Institute for Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address - Office 1804 or 1406, Nakhimovsky pr.47, 117418 Moscow, Russia
Telephone - +7 95 129 2700
Fax - +7 95 718 9771
Websites -
Team Members
- Georgy Serebryakov
- Marat Uzyakov
- Alexander Shirov
- Alexey Yantovsky
- Ksenia Savchishina
- Asiya Akhmerova
- Mikhail Gusev
Inforum Model(s)
RIMSectors - 25
- Uzyakov, M. (2000), Problems of Building an Interindustry Equilibrium Model for the Russian Economy. Studies on Russian Economic Development, Vol. 11, No. 4, 2000. Â
- Serebryakov, G. (2000), Building a Dynamic Interindustry Equilibrium Model of the Russian Economy. Studies on Russian Economic Development, Vol. 11, No. 4, 2000. Â
- Serebryakov, G., Uzyakov, M., Yantovskii, A. (2002). The Ivanovo Oblast Economy: An IO Model. Studies on Russian Economic Development, Vol. 13, No. 5, 2002. Â
- Uzyakov, M., Serebryakov, G. (2000), Papers presented on Russian IO Model in “Studies on Russian Economic Development”, Moscow. Â
- Serebryakov, G., Uzyakov, M., Yantovskii, A. (2002), The Ivanovo region IO model, in “Studies on Russian Economic Development”, Moscow. Â
Conference Presentations
- IWCX - University of Maryland
- Serebryakov, G. (2002). Inflation in Russia During the Period of Economic Reforms.
- Uzyakov, M. (2002). The I-O Model of Ivanovo Region of Russia.
- IWCXI - Suzdal, Russia
- Uzyakov, M. (2003). Economic Growth in Russia: Quantitative and Qualitative Components.
- Ivanter, V. (2003). Economic Growth in Russia and Problems of Modeling.
- Shirov, A. (2003). World Economic Development Indicators Usage for RIM Foreign Trade Block Construction.
- Uzyakov, M., Yantovsky, A. (2003). Price Structure Influence on Economy's Dynamics.
- Korovin, A. (2003). Several Applications of Phillips Curve Model to Russian Labor Market Analysis.
- IWCXII - Marina di Ascea-Velia
- Shirov, A. (2004). Using factors of external demand to construct export equations in RIM.
- Uzyakov, M., Uzyakov, R. (2004). Development of the Russian Economy in 2004-2005: a scenario forecast.
- IWCXIII - Huangshan, China
- Shirov, A. (2005). Simple IO Model: G7 or Excel Alternative (Russian Experience).
- Maslov, A. (2005). The Experience of Product-to-Product IO-Matricies Calculation.
- Yentovsky, A. (2005). Multilevel Model of Regions in the Russian Federation by example of Far East Federal District.
- IWCXIV - Traunkirchen, Austria
- Uzyakov, M. (2006). Development Trends of Russian Economy.
- Akhmerova, A., Uzyakov, R. (2006). Monetary Policy and Inflation in Russia.
- Shirov, A., Savchishina, K. (2006). Foreign Trade and State Budget Interactions.
- Serebryakov, G. (2006). Personal Consumption Expenditures in Russia.
- IWCXV - Trujillo, Spain
- Akhmerova, A. (2007). Principal scheme of monetary block: introduction into the RIM-model. (Slides)
- Shirov, A. (2007). The long-term forecast of development of the Russian economy: 2007-2030. (Slides)
- Savchishina, K. (2007). The Scheme of the Budget Block in the QUMMIR and the RIM models. (Slides)
- Russian Team. (2007). Development of Development of new version of RIM model (and fixed capital estimation). (Slides)
- IWCXVI - North Cyprus
- Shirov, A. (2008). Energy Policy of Russia In Long Term Prospect (2008-2030).
- Savchishina, K. (2008). The Budget Block and the Intuitional Accounts in the RIM model.
- Mironova, E. (2008). Forecasting of employment in Russian interindustry model.
- Kaminova, S. (2008). The Stock market modeling in QUMMIR.
- IWCXVII - Jurmala, Latvia
- Shirov, A. (2009). System of interindustry calculations on the base statistics or corportations.
- Savchishina, K. (2009). Development of a budget block in RIM model.
- Kaminova, S. (2009). Progress in Edition of Russian Interindustry Model.
Hosted Conferences
- IWCXI - Suzdal, Russia (2003)