The AMI Model

AMI , the Accelerator-Multiplier Interaction model, is a small quarterly economic structural model of the US economy. The model is well documented in Chapter 1 of Clopper Almon's The Craft of Economic Modeling and has been used for many years as a tool to teach economics students at the University of Maryland and around the world.

It can be used for forecasting a number of series in the quarterly GNP accounts, employment, unemployment, inflation, and the Treasury bill rate. AMI's forecasts come in the form of data banks for G . You can use G to relate the sales of your company's products to one or more series in AMI. The same G command that estimates the regression makes the forecasts. And another three-stroke command produces plots of the fit and forecast of the equation.

While the AMI model is available for download free of charge, please be aware that the data bank is slightly dated. Also, while The Craft of Economic Modeling provides excellent documentation, some details may differ between the available model and the book's description.

The QUEST model provides greater detail of the American economy than does AMI, but in other ways they are similar.

Download the AMI model.

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