Resources for Business Analysis

Inforum is a research organization dedicated to improving business forecasting and government policy analysis. For over forty years, its forecasts, models, and research services have been used by American and international businesses and governments. Inforum's forecasts and analysis are based on economic models that combine input-output analysis with econometric equations for consumer and investment behavior to forecast output, prices, and employment for up to 360 detailed industries to the year 2030.


Inforum produces a sales forecast that shows the sales of an industry to each of its customers both historically and forecasted to 2030. An industry's customers include those who purchase products for intermediate use as well as those who purchase products for final consumption. The sales forecasts make it possible to identify future sources of growth for any product, and consequently is a valuable tool for business analysts.


Forecasts for key variables by industry are also available from Inforum. These forecasts provide valuable information on future production, consumption, imports, and exports for a specific industry. In addition, forecasts of input costs such as labor and capital are provided.


In addition to understanding how a given industry is doing, it is important to also understand what is expected for the overall economy. Expected changes in interest rates, government spending, and overall prices will have a direct effect on a given industry. To meet these needs, Inforum provides forecasts for key indicators of the macroeconomy.


Many times the needs of users go beyond a standard forecast and require special studies. Inforum's models are uniquely qualified to simulate the impact of changes in policies on a particular industry.

  • What will be the impact on the electronic components industry if federal defense procurement starts to increase?
  • What will the implementation of a carbon tax do to the competitiveness of the U.S. petroleum industry?

For examples of Inforum studies please look at our Analysis page.

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