A Description of CHIOMS

The Chinese Input Output Modeling System (CHIOMS) is an interregional input-output model of China. It fully links 29 of the 31 provinces of China (only Tibet and Hainan are omitted) together at the level of 33 sectors. The model is based on the provincial input-output tables for 1997. It utilizes the provincial accounts for the period 1995-2002. It is a unique data base and model.

The model is guided by Mudan, the national model of China. The key word is guided not controlled meaning that there is NOT an exact match of results of CHIOMS with Mudan when we sum each of the provincial results. This allows one to explore the possibility that a given economic policy may enhance or reduce the overall output level of China. There exists a separate macroeconomic input-output model for each of the 29 provinces. Each of these models produces forecasts and/or simulation results for GDP and its main components such as household consumption, gross investment, foreign exports, domestic exports, foreign imports, domestic imports, employment, wage income, depreciation, operating surplus and taxes less subsides. The entire model is calculated in current prices. Deflated values are calculated using the national deflators from the Mudan model.

The model can and has been used to examine regional development projects in western China; alternative tax and subsidy schemes for industrial development in Sichuan; and for the regional/industrial effects of exchange rate changes. In addition, it can be used as an historical database of regional statistics and for regional analysis of infrastructure investment programs. The forecast horizon is to 2025. For more information on CHIOMS or any Inforum model, send an email to inforum.webmaster@gmail.com.


Author Date Title
Douglas E. Nyhus 2006-09-15 Towards a Dynamic Sectoral Modeling System for China: Initial Results

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