.. index:: single: VamToG Program single: Vam File single: Moving Data from Vam to G7 Banks *VamToG* -- Creating a *G7* bank From Series in a Vam File ========================================================== Like *Vam2Vam*, *VamToG* is a convenient way for getting data from a Vam file, in this case, into a *G7* "ws"-type bank. The operation of this program is controlled by a configuration file, named VAMTOG.CFG. Note that *G7* easily can copy data from a Vam bank to a "ws"-type bank, and use of *G7* might prove more convenient. A sample file is shown below. :: Root name of Vam File; hist Root name of destination *G7* bank; imp Starting Date for data transfer; 1972 Ending Date for data transfer; 1994 Base Year of *G7* databank; 1955 First period covered; 1 Maximum number of observations;60 Data requests ; im ex out def fpi fpe In this particular example, the source Vam file is HIST.VAM and the destination *G* bank is IMP.BNK. The data from 1972 to 1994 will be transferred. The *G* bank will have a base year of 1955, starting period of 1, and series vectors of length 60. The vectors im, ex, out, def, fpi, and fpe will be transferred.