.. index:: single: Balancing Entire Input-Output Tables single: G7 Command; gvras single: Preconditions (Part of gvras Command) single: Balancing of Matrices Balancing Entire Input-Output Tables ==================================== The gross value RAS command can balance an entire input-output table by taking advantage of the ability of the proportional scaling algorithm to handle (a) the elements of sets that contain both positive and negative numbers, and (b) the elements of sets whose control total is zero. The *gvras* command can balance matrices with uncertain totals. The command is: **gvras [maxiter] [precon]** where: :matrix: is the name of the matrix whose rows and columns are to be balanced. :nsec: is the number of sectors in the loaded vector. For example, use - \: for the sectors in the present dynamic group - \:Mfg for the sectors in the static Mfg - 1 7 9 for the group composed of sectors 1, 7, 9 :nva: is the number of value added sectors. :nfd: is the number of final demand sectors. :ngv: is the number of gross value sectors. :yr: is the year for which the I-O table is to be balanced. :maxiter: optionally is the maximum number of iterations. The default is 100. :precon: is an optional file that contains a list of preconditions. The algorithm requires, first, that the I-O table is set up in an unusual form: * Move the detailed value added totals from the intermediate input column to the gross output column. * Move the detailed final demand totals from the intermediate input row to the gross output row. * Delete and close the intermediate input column, the intermediate input row, and the total value added row. Second, the I-O table must meet the standard requirements that the row total for each sector equals the column total for each corresponding sector and that the sum of the value added totals equal the sum of the final demand totals. Additional information may be imposed using the precondition features described below.