.. index:: single: G7 Reference Manual; B single: G7 Command; bj (Box-Jenkins) single: G7 Command; bank single: G7 Command; break single: G7 Command; bupdate single: G7 Command; btitle *G7* Commands: B ================ .. _G7RMbank: **(ba)nk []** This command assigns a *G7* workspace style bank (.BNK, .IND). The workspace style banks are the simplest type of bank in *G7*, and can be created by copying the files WS.BNK and WS.IND to two files with a different root name. If is not given, it is assumed to be 'a', which is the first slot. Up to 25 data banks of the various types may be assigned, in positions 'a' through 'z' (except 'w'). In *G7*, the equivalent function can also be reached via the Bank, Assign menu item, and choosing Files of type "Workspace bank." Examples:: bank mybank ba h:\idlift\model\dyme d Related Topics: Assigned Banks, :ref:`cbk `, :ref:`dfr `, :ref:`hbk `, :ref:`listbanks `, :ref:`vam `, :ref:`wsbank `, :ref:`wsinfo ` .. _G7RMbj: **bj = , [,] ..., []** The "bj" command performs a Box-Jenkins estimation for autoregressive moving average models. Here q is the number of lags in the moving average error terms, e.g., with q = 2, u[t] = e[t] + b1e[t-1] + b2e[t-2]. This must be no more than 4. The program will only check for the stability of the solution if q <= 2. No more than 10 independent variables are allowed at the current time. At each iteration of the "Newtonian" non-linear regression algorithm, you will be allowed to intervene to try new values for the theta's, the coefficients for the moving average of error terms. If "save" is on, the first and the final equation will be in the ".SAV" file with the theta values appearing as coeffients of "theta". These must be removed before building with Build. Example:: bj 2 vif$ = vif$[1], vif$[2] Related Topics: ARIMA, :ref:`ac ` .. _G7RMbreak: **break** The "break" command terminates execution of an add file. If an add file calls a second add file, and the second contains the *break* command, then upon processing the *break* command *G7* will return to the first add file. .. _G7RMbtitle: **(bt)itle []** The *btitle* command will report the title of either the assigned bank or of the bank in location 'a' through 'z'. If you ask for the title of a location that has no bank assigned, *G7* will print an error message. The *btitle* command also allows you to change the title of the workspace bank. After specifying the bank letter, simply provide the desired title *title*. Related Topics: Assigned data banks, Workspace Bank .. _G7RMbupdate: **(bu)pdate <x> = <y>** The *bupdate* (bank update) command starts with a series <x> from the workspace bank, updates it with non-zero entries from the series <y> in the assigned bank, and replaces the series <x> in the workspace bank. If <x> was not in the workspace previously, the *bupdate* will put it there with values from the assigned bank. Note that <y> may be an expression. .. For updating or combining entire data banks using this command, use the bups program, a small utility that comes with *G7*. If you type :: .. bups <bankname> .. bups will ask you what kind of bank this is, and then write out a text file of bups commands, one for each series in the bank. A similar file can be created using the *listnamescol* (*lnc*) command. Related Topics: :ref:`listnamescol <G7RMlistnamescol>`