.. index:: single: G7 New; For 2017 *G7*: New for 2017 =============================== Work in 2017 provided new features, improvements to existing features, and a variety of bug fixes. The most important improvements and new capabilities provided in the *G7* software are these: - Improved Documentation: The *G7* documentation was revised heavily in 2012 and has been updated again in 2017, with new Help files, Users' Guide, Reference Manual, Tutorial, and `other documentation `_. `Companion documents `_ in HTML and PDF formats also were updated. In particular, recent software improvements and extensions have been documented, and cross reference hyperlinks have been added to the Reference Manual. - Graphical Interface Improvements: a) Modified code for :ref:`look command window ` in order to speed loading of large stub files. - Miscellaneous Improvements: a) Add bank title to :ref:`listbank command ` output. b) Add sanity checks to :ref:`gridtype command ` to improve stability and the users' experience. c) Modified the :ref:`vc command `, as *vc y = 1 / x* did not perform element-by-element division :math:`y_i = 1 / x_i`, where *y* and *x* are vectors. Instead, it seemed always to calculate :math:`y_i = 1 \times x_i`, which perhaps is consistent with certain other features but seldom is helpful in cases like this. d) Improved documentation in the Help resources. - An Abridged Listing of Bug Fixes: a) Fix printing problem with :ref:`dir command `. b) Force the graph control bar to appear in front of all other windows. c) Check placement of all windows to ensure that each is visible and that the user maintains control of the program. d) Fixed bug in xl commands that was causing incorrect columns to be read. e) Modified the specification of the frequency parameter when creating new workspace banks; the previous setting seemed to cause trouble in some cases. f) Fixed an infinite loop caused by "# %getval\" where an incomplete function specification is included in a comment. Similar problems might persist. g) Restored lost capabilities of the :ref:`xl freeze command `.