.. index:: single: G7 New; For 2010 single: autocomplete *G7*: New for 2010 =============================== Work in 2010 provided some important new features, improvements to existing features, and a variety of bug fixes. The *G7* Help files and the `G7 Reference Manual `_ also have been revised and updated. Several new routines have been added to the `Software Demonstrations section `_ of the `Inforum `_ web site to display the capabilities of *G7*. The most important new capabilities are these: - A variety of new keywords and functions have been defined. A new page in the User Guide provides details on *G7* variables, keywords, and functions. - Users now can create and manipulate strings and refer to them by name anywhere within a *G7* script. - Extended the capabilities of the spreadsheet interface. Provide ability to set fonts when printing text and data to worksheets. Added ability to create documents of various file types, such as comma-separated values (\*.CSV) and HTML (\*.HTML). Added a routine to print vector data and to insert Excel formulas into a worksheet. New graphical features and improvements for *G7* include: - Improvements for the graphical management of data banks. - Added control over the auto-complete feature of the *G7* command box. - *G7* now remembers many additional user preferences, including the precise window position for the main window, the editor, the graph window, and the graph button bar; the editor font; the editor background color; and the autocomplete setting for the *G7* command box. New and modified commands for the *G7* scripting language include: - Calculations of macro time series with the *f* command and vector elements with the *vf* command now may employ the +=, -=, \*=, and /= operators familiar to C++ programmers. - Up to 500 variables now may be employed in *G7* ordinary regression equations and SUR models. - Improved stability of *@log()*, *@exp()*, and *@sqrt()* functions. - New ability to specify additional arguments after the arguments filename in *fadd* command: *fadd