.. index:: single: Commands to Build Tables in Excel Format single: Excel single: Spreadsheet single: Compare Command; \xls single: Compare Command; \xlgraph single: Compare Command; \filetype single: Compare Command; \wstitle single: Compare Command; \fonthead single: Compare Command; \fonttitle single: Compare Command; \fontdate single: Compare Command; \fontbank single: Compare Command; \fontname single: Compare Command; \fontdata single: Compare Command; \font single: Compare Command; \wsfreeze Commands to Build Tables in Excel Format ======================================== Many commands in this document apply regardless of the file format that has been selected for the document that is to be printed. Several commands apply only to the creation of spreadsheets with the *\\xls* command. Use of these features requires that Microsoft Excel is installed on the user's machine. **\\xls []** Issue this command to create spreadsheet documents. If a filename is specified, then it will be employed to name the document. If no name is given, then the name will be specified according to the \*.IN configuration file. **\\filetype ** The default file type is XLS. Available file types include ===================== ===================== **File Types** --------------------- --------------------- AddIn (.xlam) WorkbookNormal (.xls) CSV (.csv) SYLK (.slk) CSVMac (.csv) Template (.xltx) CSVMSDOS (.csv) TextMac (.txt) CSVWindows (.csv) TextMSDOS (.txt) DBF2 (.dbf) TextPrinter (.txt) DBF3 (.dbf) TextWindows (.txt) DBF4 (.dbf) WK1 (.wk1) DIF (.dif) WK1ALL (.wk1) Excel2 (.xls) WK1FMT (.wk1) Excel2FarEast (.xls) WK3 (.wk3 ) Excel3 (.xls) WK4 (.wk4) Excel4 (.xls) WK3FM3 (.wk3) Excel5 (.xls) WKS (.wks) Excel7 (.xls) WQ1 (.wq1) Excel9795 (.xls) UnicodeText (.txt) Excel4Workbook (.xls) Html (.html) IntlAddIn (.xla) XLS (.xls) IntlMacro (.xlsm) ===================== ===================== If no extension is provided with the filename, then the appropriate extension will be determined according to the file type and will be appended to the file name. **\\wstitle ** This command names the current worksheet when printing to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. New worksheets are created in the standard fashion; that is, the '\*' command creates a new worksheet. | **\\xlgraph ** | **\\xlgraph title ""** | **\\xlgraph subtitle "<subtitle>"** | **\\xlgraph vaxtitle "<vaxtitle>"** | <series 1> ;Series 1 title | ... | <series N> ;Series N title | **\\xlgraph** | Create a graph sheet in the current workbook. The graph will appear in a sheet to the left of the active worksheet. Specify the the date range, in *G7*-style dates, for the data to be graphed. Time will appear on the horizontal axis. Text may be given for the graph title, subtitle, and vertical axis title; text must be wrapped in quotation marks. Up to 29 series may be specified between the opening "\\xlgraph" and the closing "\\xlgraph" commands, including any alternative series if more than one bank is loaded. Available graph styles include: ==================================== ================================ **Graph Styles** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ColumnClustered Bubble3DEffect ColumnStacked StockHLC ColumnStacked100 StockOHLC 3DColumnClustered StockVHLC 3DColumnStacked StockVOHLC 3DColumnStacked100 CylinderColClustered BarClustered CylinderColStacked BarStacked CylinderColStacked100 BarStacked100 CylinderBarClustered 3DBarClustered CylinderBarStacked 3DBarStacked CylinderBarStacked100 3DBarStacked100 CylinderCol LineStacked ConeColClustered LineStacked100 ConeColStacked LineMarkers ConeColStacked100 LineMarkersStacked ConeBarClustered LineMarkersStacked100 ConeBarStacked PieOfPie ConeBarStacked100 PieExploded ConeCol 3DPieExploded PyramidColClustered BarOfPie PyramidColStacked XYScatterSmooth PyramidColStacked100 XYScatterSmoothNoMarkers PyramidBarClustered XYScatterLines PyramidBarStacked XYScatterLinesNoMarkers PyramidBarStacked100 AreaStacked PyramidCol AreaStacked100 3DColumn 3DAreaStacked Line 3DAreaStacked100 3DLine DoughnutExploded 3DPie RadarMarkers Pie RadarFilled XYScatter Surface 3DArea SurfaceWireframe Area SurfaceTopView Doughnut SurfaceTopViewWireframe Radar Bubble ==================================== ================================ *Compare* allows the user to format specific parts of an Excel spreadsheet by inserting commands into a stub file. The font in the header, title, dates, banks, series names, and data can changed. Specifically, the type face, size, color, vertical and horizontal alignment, bold status, italic status, and underline status and type can be controlled. The number and order of settings does not matter. The type face is specified by giving the name surrounded by double quotes. Size is adjusted by entering "size" followed by an integer. Horizontal alignment is controlled by entering "justify", "center", "right", or "left" for the horizontal alignment. Vertical alignment can be specified by "top", "vcenter", "bottom", or "vjustify". A complete listing of Excel font settings are listed in the appendix at the end of this page. To remove a formatting option for any area of an Excel spreadsheet, enter "clear" as the setting. **\\fonthead <settings>** This command will control formatting for the \\head output. For example, :: \fonthead "arial" size32 bold underline **\\fonttitle <settings>** This command will control formatting for the \\title output. For example, :: \fonttitle "times new roman" size24 bold **\\fontdate <settings>** This command will control formatting for \\date output. For example, :: \fontdate "times new roman" size14 underline center **\\fontbank <settings>** This command will control formatting for the printed names of data banks. For example, :: \fontbank "courier new" size10 **\\fontname <settings>** This command will control formatting for the data series names. For example, :: \fontname "verdana" size12 italic left **\\fontdata <settings>** This command will control formatting for the printing of numerical data. For example, :: \fontdata "arial" size11 right **\\font <settings>** This command is used to set the default font formatting and will override all other font commands. For example, :: \font "courier new" size12 left **Appendix: Excel Font Format Settings** **Underline** Underlining may be specified in several ways. | **underline [-]** | **UnderlineSingle** | **-** | Single underlining. | **underline =** | **UnderlineDouble** | **=** | Double underlining. | **underline _** | **UnderlineSingleAccounting** | **_** | Single accounting underlining. | **underline [ ~ ]** | **UnderlineDoubleAccounting** | **~** | Double accounting underlining. | **underline n** | **UnderlineNone** | No underlining. **Font Colors** Available font colors include: =============== ============== **Font Colors** --------------- -------------- "None" "Medium Gray" "Aqua" "Mint green" "Black" "Navy blue" "Blue" "Olive green" "Cream" "Purple" "Dark Gray" "Red" "Fuchsia" "Silver" "Gray" "Sky blue" "Green" "Teal" "Lime green" "White" "Light Gray" "Yellow" "Maroon" =============== ============== **Font Types** Available font types include: ================================= ===================================== **Font Types** --------------------------------- ------------------------------------- "Agency FB" "Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed" "Agency FB Bold" "Gloucester MT Extra Condensed" "Algerian" "Goudy Old Style" "Arial" "Goudy Old Style Bold" "Arial Black" "Goudy Old Style Italic" "Arial Black Italic" "Goudy Stout" "Arial Bold" "Haettenschweiler" "Arial Bold Italic" "Harlow Solid Italic" "Arial Italic" "Harrington" "Arial Narrow" "High Tower Text" "Arial Narrow Bold" "High Tower Text Italic" "Arial Narrow Bold Italic" "Impact" "Arial Narrow Italic" "Imprint MT Shadow" "Arial Rounded MT Bold" "Informal Roman" "Arial Unicode MS" "Jokerman" "Baskerville Old Face" "Juice ITC" "Batang" "Kristen ITC" "Bauhaus 93" "Kunstler Script" "Bell MT" "Lucida Bright" "Bell MT Bold" "Lucida Bright Demibold" "Bell MT Italic" "Lucida Bright Demibold Italic" "Berlin Sans FB" "Lucida Bright Italic" "Berlin Sans FB Bold" "Lucida Calligraphy Italic" "Berlin Sans FB Demi Bold" "Lucida Fax Demibold" "Bernard MT Condensed" "Lucida Fax Demibold Italic" "Blackadder ITC" "Lucida Fax Italic" "Bodoni MT" "Lucida Fax Regular" "Bodoni MT Black" "Lucida Handwriting Italic" "Bodoni MT Black Italic" "Lucida Sans Demibold Italic" "Bodoni MT Bold" "Lucida Sans Demibold Roman" "Bodoni MT Bold Italic" "Lucida Sans Italic" "Bodoni MT Condensed" "Lucida Sans Regular" "Bodoni MT Condensed Bold" "Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold" "Bodoni MT Condensed Bold Italic" "Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold Oblique" "Bodoni MT Condensed Italic" "Lucida Sans Typewriter Oblique" "Bodoni MT Italic" "Lucida Sans Typewriter Regular" "Bodoni MT Poster Compressed" "Magneto Bold" "Book Antiqua" "Maiandra GD" "Book Antiqua Bold" "Map Symbols" "Book Antiqua Bold Italic" "Matura MT Script Capitals" "Book Antiqua Italic" "Mistral" "Bookman Old Style" "Modern No. 20" "Bookman Old Style Bold" "Monotype Corsiva" "Bookman Old Style Bold Italic" "MS Mincho" "Bookman Old Style Italic" "MS Outlook" "Bradley Hand ITC" "MT Extra" "Britannic Bold" "Niagara Engraved" "Broadway" "Niagara Solid" "Brush Script MT Italic" "OCR A Extended" "Californian FB" "Old English Text MT" "Californian FB Bold" "Onyx" "Californian FB Italic" "Palace Script MT" "Calisto MT" "Palatino Linotype" "Calisto MT Bold" "Palatino Linotype Bold" "Calisto MT Bold Italic" "Palatino Linotype Bold Italic" "Calisto MT Italic" "Palatino Linotype Italic" "Castellar" "Papyrus" "Centaur" "Parchment" "Century" "Perpetua" "Century Gothic" "Perpetua Bold" "Century Gothic Bold" "Perpetua Bold Italic" "Century Gothic Bold Italic" "Perpetua Italic" "Century Gothic Italic" "Perpetua Titling MT Bold" "Century Schoolbook" "Perpetua Titling MT Light" "Century Schoolbook Bold" "Playbill" "Century Schoolbook Bold Italic" "PMingLiU" "Century Schoolbook Italic" "Poor Richard" "Chiller" "Pristina" "Colonna MT" "Rage Italic" "Comic Sans MS" "Ravie" "Comic Sans MS Bold" "Rockwell" "Cooper Black" "Rockwell Bold" "Copperplate Gothic Bold" "Rockwell Bold Italic" "Copperplate Gothic Light" "Rockwell Condensed" "Courier New" "Rockwell Condensed Bold" "Courier New Bold" "Rockwell Extra Bold" "Courier New Bold Italic" "Rockwell Italic" "Courier New Italic" "Script MT Bold" "Curlz MT" "Showcard Gothic" "Edwardian Script ITC" "SimSun" "Elephant" "Snap ITC" "Elephant Italic" "Stencil" "Engravers MT" "Symbol" "Eras Bold ITC" "Tahoma" "Eras Demi ITC" "Tahoma Bold" "Eras Light ITC" "Tempus Sans ITC" "Eras Medium ITC" "Times" "Felix Titling" "Times New Roman" "Footlight MT Light" "Times New Roman Bold" "Forte" "Times New Roman Bold Italic" "Franklin Gothic Book" "Times New Roman Italic" "Franklin Gothic Book Italic" "Trebuchet MS" "Franklin Gothic Demi" "Trebuchet MS Bold" "Franklin Gothic Demi Cond" "Trebuchet MS Bold Italic" "Franklin Gothic Demi Italic" "Trebuchet MS Italic" "Franklin Gothic Heavy" "Tw Cen MT" "Franklin Gothic Heavy Italic" "Tw Cen MT Bold" "Franklin Gothic Medium" "Tw Cen MT Bold Italic" "Franklin Gothic Medium Cond" "Tw Cen MT Condensed" "Franklin Gothic Medium Italic" "Tw Cen MT Condensed Bold" "Freestyle Script" "Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold" "French Script MT" "Tw Cen MT Italic" "Garamond" "Verdana" "Garamond Bold" "Verdana Bold" "Garamond Italic" "Verdana Bold Italic" "Gigi" "Verdana Italic" "Gill Sans MT" "Viner Hand ITC" "Gill Sans MT Bold" "Vivaldi Italic" "Gill Sans MT Bold Italic" "Vladimir Script" "Gill Sans MT Condensed" "Wide Latin" "Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold" "Wingdings" "Gill Sans MT Italic" "Wingdings 2" "Gill Sans Ultra Bold" "Wingdings 3" ================================= =====================================